Community Hay Harvest

Over at Spitalifields Life there’s an excellent report about the hay harvest at Hackney Marshes, organised as a fantastic community event for everbody to join in, have fun, fresh air and keep fit in the process: In celebration of Lammastide, which marks the beginning of the grain harvest, Contributing Photographer Colin O’Brien & I went […]

Early August Wildlife Trust Conservation Work Days at Bradlaugh Fields

There are two Wildlife Trust work days coming up in August. They are listed in their latest task sheet (PDF here) to be found on the appropriate page of their website. Please read the information about work-days (what to wear, bring with you etc) on the task sheet if you’ve not been on a WT […]

Wildflowers of Bradlaugh Fields #53 Creeping Thistle

It is a mistake to think too badly of this plant as it can bring great benefits to other wildlife, feeding butterflies – Marbled White seen in the photo above – and bees with its nectar as well as nourishing many more on its leaves and stems. With proper management, Creeping Thistle will not get […]

Oh! What a Lovely Sward!

Last weekend I visited the East of England Scything Festival, held every year at the amazing National Trust property of Wimpole Hall, hoping to find out more about the use of the scythe for wildlife and conservation meadows. All in all, a very picturesque event in good company at a scenic location … This year […]

Wildflowers of Bradlaugh Fields #45 Bramble or Blackberry

Another plant that really needs little introduction. So competitive and successful is it that, useful though it is, like it’s relative the blackthorn, bramble needs to be constantly kept in check to prevent it completely taking over. There is no end to the wildlife that finds a use for brambles. On the recent meadow walk, […]

One Man Went to Mow …

What would happen if you didn’t mow the lawn? Aside from getting a hard time from partners, neighbours etc. Well, it would get longer, weedier, and eventually, after a year or two you’d get brambles and all sorts of undesirables taking over and spreading. The same thing happens in nature reserves, although fortunately they don’t […]

Wildflowers of Bradlaugh Fields #40 Little Yellow Rattle

Lesser Yellow Rattle or Cockscomb does double duty as a very attractive plant to have in the meadow, but still more importantly it helps keep down the aggressive grasses like false oat grass, creating a better environment for a range of beautiful flowers like orchids to grow and increase. The photos above are taken in […]

Long Ago Stream

You may notice quite a dip as you go down from Bradlaugh Fields central grassland area into a much lower down area by the suggestively-named Bankside entrance, before heading back uphill into the Hills and Hollows Nature Reserve. As you may see in the picture above, a helpful tree surgeon has recently laid down a […]

Compost and Cup Fungi

Every year the Wildlife Trust Conservation Volunteers mow the “scrub field” meadows, after they have flowered and set seed, and carefully remove the mowings. This continues the traditional management of the site and ensures that the beautiful wildflowers can continue to flourish at Bradlaugh Fields. . Ideally the mowings would be grazed off by cattle, […]